
Friday, June 25, 2010

Apple: It’s not our fault, it’s yours…

In response to customer complaints of dropped cell coverage, Apple let its customers know that it’s not Apple’s fault, but their own. Apparently the signal loss is caused by none other than customers holding their phone improperly. At least, that’s what Apple says. Regardless of whether or not it’s the “customer’s fault,” this is just plain silly. As advanced as the iPhone is for its time (especially the iPhone 4), it should be able to be handled any way the customer wants (within means) and still produce a viable signal. Yet, it doesn’t.


But that’s not all. For Apple to respond with a “it’s your fault, not ours” statement only shows how big the company thinks of itself. Apple of course has a huge demand for its products--there are always lines out the door for all of their product releases--so they’re not too worried about losing customers due to anything that they say. But they should. Once the Android and the Windows Phone take off (the Android arguably has already taken off, and even surpasses iOS in marketshare) customers will start to rethink their purchasing of Apple products with this type of customer service and product reliability.


Ultimately the iPhone is supposed to be a phone with extras added to it, which is originally what was intended. Yet time and time again, reviews keep stating the extras over the phone capabilities and then add, “oh, and it’s a phone too.” Of course, it’s cute to see that little phrase in a review, especially if you’re looking for a full featured phone, but when reviewers go on to say that the worst-performing aspect of the phone is the “phone” itself, you should start to second guess your decision to purchase an iPhone.


Of course, only time will tell whether or not these drawbacks of the iPhone will be fixed or caught by the average consumer and affect the sales of the iPhone. Personally, I don’t think they will. A few logical consumers will probably turn away from the iPhone for more favorable devices such as the Android, or Windows Phone in the future. However, there will always be the Apple followers that crave for the next device to flow from the magical and mystical Apple.


Apple will, of course, remain a viable participant and competitor in the phone market for quite some time, I have no doubt about that. What I do doubt, or at least question, is whether they will be able to keep their lead against better competitors such as the Android and the soon-to-be Windows Phone. Only time will tell.


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